The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery is actively involved in investigations in the following areas:

  • Resonant Molecular Signaling (RMS)
  • Genomic and receptor activity relating to traditional biochemical pathways
  • Placebo induction
  • States of consciousness
  • Energy and information medicine


Findings in each of these field affects the other. For example, to fully understand the placebo response it is necessary to understand energetic mechanisms, as well as beliefs and other factors influencing placebo responders. In turn, data gained from the physiological and psychological investigations of placebo responders shed light on mechanisms relating to energy medicine and molecular therapies.

A key field of investigation is Resonant Molecular Signaling. This is a therapeutic approach that uses naturally occurring molecules to induce specific cells to carry out their normal function and to aid in healing.

Other key areas of investigation include energetic or informational therapies to effect chronic diseases such as cancer and combinations of the above bulleted points toward enhanced therapies.


The range of indications addressed by RMS highlights the viability of this approach to healing which is revealing heretofore unknown processes of how the body works. For instance, scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for example, confirmed that the RMS anti-depressant formula tested works via different biopathways than the current pharmaceuticals that address depression. The success found in this manner of cellular communication has established new research pathways. Institute investigators are now targeting the nature of the signals associated with the molecules rather than the actions of the molecules themselves.

The energetic changes reflecting differences between pathology and health are therefore one area of exploration. Examining the effects of sound and light on genomic expression is also of interest. An overarching goal is determining the relationships among these various therapeutic modalities and homeodynamics.

RMS research efforts have led to numerous patents and FDA-authorized Phase 2 clinical trials targeting diseases such as multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, benign prostatic hyperplasia, a variety of respiratory disorders, and cancer and cancer-associated pain.

As laboratory, animal, and human data pertaining to a spectrum of RMS agents accumulated, it became evident that RMS dosages act independent of mass and are rapidly transmitted throughout the entire body. A small dog, a human, or an elephant could receive the same dose with equal results. This clearly separates RMS from other therapeutic approaches. Questions therefore arise: what kind of signal is initiated by a RMS agent? and what is the nature of the reception of the signal?

To find answers, a review of literature from a variety of disciplines coupled with on-going laboratory and clinical evaluation set the stage to devote resources to investigate other, not yet fully articulated, communication systems of the body such as those in and of the extracellular matrix, a latticework that binds parts of the body into a whole. This interconnectedness is essential to understanding the role of energetics in health and disease.8 Accordingly, understanding energetic mechanisms of signaling such as biophotonic activity and/or sound waves may yield knowledge of how to harness the body’s natural healing abilities.


Research indicates that a specific hands-on therapy, Bengston Energy Healing Method, produces full cure of cancer in mice. In addition, the use of treated cotton and water also produced full cure, substantiating that healing could be stored in organic and inorganic materials.

The next steps involved recording healing to see if it would have healing effects in the lab. This research involved playing the recording to cancer cells in seven different iterations and monitoring the changes in gene expression. With results showing interesting and promising results in cell cultures, a further experiment was undertaken with mice. Two papers outlining the results have currently been published with a third paper underway.

For papers and presentations regarding the above click here.